Holistic Wellness for Equestrians

Your horse gets the best of everything – what about you?

Ditch the diets, repair your health, and find your strength as an equestrian.

The secret? A signature four-stage wellness roadmap focusing on building a sustainable lifestyle, developed with the busy equestrian in mind.


Bit & Balance is a unique wellness program focusing on you – as a person, and as an equestrian. 

Do you find yourself struggling with your weight, energy, and stress levels? Many riders find themselves in the same boat, especially trying to juggle working, riding, and taking care of themselves. 

We know your horse comes first, but you’re important, too. At Bit & Balance the focus is on your relationship with yourself, your health, and your wellness.

With our signature Wellness Roadmap program, we take riders from struggling and overwhelmed to healthy and in control. We put the reins back in your hands for your own health.

My Mission

I help equestrians struggling with the overwhelm of life to reclaim their health, happiness, and sense of control through nutrition, mindset, and habit work.

With Bit & Balance, you will bring home the blue ribbon in your own wellness.

Take the Reins to Your Own Health

The Bit & Balance Wellness Roadmap is the only program of its kind, designed specifically for equestrians.

Are you ready to feel better, live better, and ride better?